On 15 July, the Minister of OCW indicated to the domain chairs (Prof Jasper Knoester, Leiden University for Science) that he would structurally invest 200 million euros per year in the four domains Social & Humanities, Science, Engineering and Medical. Expenditure will already be possible in 2022, which is why, in between (and sometimes during) all holidays, a lot of hard work is currently being done on calculations underpinning which sector plans can be directly translated into expenditure plans as early as 2022. The first version of these was submitted to the National Commission Sector Plans at the end of July. From mid-August, talks are held between the domain chairs and other sector plan representatives that will lead to possibly adjusted sector plans in early September. After that, the National Commission Sector Plans prepares its advice to the minister for 2022 expenses (the so-called first tranche).